Kodak Vision3 250D 35mm film cannister, with 36 exposures.
From Kodak: This film offers outstanding performance in the extremes of exposure, including increased highlight latitude, so you can move faster on the set and pull more detail out of the highlights in post. You’ll also see reduced grain in shadows, so you can push the boundaries of underexposure and still get outstanding results.
Iso 250 (Daylight), Iso 64 with 80A Filter (Tungsten).
Rolled from a fresh 400ft roll from Kodak, into a film cannister from The Film Safe developing lab.
The film still has its remjet layer and MUST be developed using the ECN-2 process which means it CANNOT be sent to labs that only do C-41. The Film Safe have partnered with me, to offer ECN-2 developing and recycle the cannisters for me to reload again.
Each purchase will come with a voucher for developing at The Film Safe, for ECN-2 process. The voucher will entitle you to 10% off the cost of developing and/or scanning.
You must have a camera that can set the ISO manually as there is no DX code on the cannister. DX codes are something that will be coming soon, but if you are ordering a larger number of rolls and want them with DX codes, message me directly and I can look into getting some DX code stickers for your order.
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